What's Jared Painting Next?

Use this blog page to see what paintings Jared Kelley will be teaching each month at Corks & Canvas. You'll also be able to read tidbits like difficulty levels and special techniques that will be taught for each painting. Please leave comments and voice your favorite pieces. Thanks for visiting and enjoy!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Lavender Fields

Lavender Fields, Difficulty = 2 (out of 3)
I absolutely love this painting! The classic Italian landscape is a cinch to complete. We'll start with a black base coat. Next we'll fill in the top half (which has the most details) and save the best and easiest part for last - the purple lavender fields. The key to this painting is to have a loose brushstroke and not to obsess over every move. Let the paint work for you! Can't wait to see you - Jared K.

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